About Impeo
Impeo Properties was founded in 2020 by the Nordic real estate investor Brunswick Real Estate together with Pictet Alternative Advisors. In 2022 Barings acquired Impeo with the single asset Vanda 3 a 91,000 sq m mixed-use property in Stockholm, Sweden. Brunswick Real Estate is responsible for the development and asset management of Impeo.
Impeo’s objective is to invest in and develop properties for mixed use to facilitate sustainable expansion and establishment of growth businesses in need of excellent location and logistics facilities.
About Impeo
Impeo Properties was founded in 2020 by the Nordic real estate investor Brunswick Real Estate together with Pictet Alternative Advisors. In 2022 Barings acquired Impeo with the single asset Vanda 3 a 91,000 sq m mixed-use property in Stockholm, Sweden. Brunswick Real Estate is responsible for the development and asset management of Impeo.
Impeo’s objective is to invest in and develop properties for mixed use to facilitate sustainable expansion and establishment of growth businesses in need of excellent location and logistics facilities.
Our property
Vanda 3
Vanda 3 is a mixed-use property originally built as a printing facility in the 90s. Over the years the printing facilities have been reduced in favour of primarily data centre facilities.
Square: 91 000 sq m
Location: Akalla, Sweden
Data centres capacity: 40MW
Environmental certification: BREEAM In-Use Very Good
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Data centres are intense electricity consumers. The Nordics and especially Norway and Sweden have low emission factors for electricity compared to many other parts of the world. The cold climate is also in favour for data centre establishments in the Nordics.
Impeo has serious objectives for sustainable development of each data centre. However, each asset is unique and need to be managed that way, in order to reduce the climate impact. Therefore, Impeo has a palette of actions to be implemented for each asset, with a few examples being shown in the illustration below:

Contact us
Please contact Niclas Jakobsen regarding our property, business inquiries and press.
Niclas Jakobsen
Property related questions
Do you have questions about our property? Here you will find our property and contact details.
Contact us regarding Vanda 3